venerdì 3 dicembre 2010

Santa is early : Eclipse dvd is home!!!

Yesterday afternoon the courier arrived unexpected - to my joy: I didn't expected Eclipse dvds to come before December the 4th, since's the official release date, almost worlwide.

Evidently Eagle Pictures (film distribution company for Summitt E. in Italy)  preferred to take advantage of the work, sending in advance the dvds to those who had purchased them in pre-sale.
 This, much to my happiness: I kind of opened the package like a little girl on Christmas' day !!! ^^

In addition to Eclipse's dvd, I also bought Remember Me's ...

I have to say that I stil never had the chance to watch that damn movie.

Yes, bite me.

I wanted to go to the cinema, so I asked my friends "Let's go" and they were like "Ok, just tell me when" and I was like "I'm always ready, so tell me when you are" and kind of went on like that until the movie was out of theathers.

-_- N.C.

The only thing I know's everybody is like "Remember Me's spectacular, bla bla bla, and oh.... what a shitty sad ending" (kind of guessed Tyler dies - I think so...).
And, oh yes, I also know that it stars """my""" gorgeous p0rnstar, aka Rob and Emilie De Ravin (oh, Clairlie were the couple who made me cry the most on Lost, sts).

By the way, yesterday I hadn't the strenght to open the Eclipse dvd case, so I opened it now, and the following pics show everything I found inside and outside xD

Um... yes, two Three Disc Deluxe Edition's cases because one is for a friend, so as well two Jacob-Bella-Edward gift cards (courtesy of Eagle Pictures, for those who bought 'em in pre-sale)

Yes, we have always the cardboard case over the dvd's one.

As you can see also from the previous pic, Edward's in all his glory...
aehm, the cardboard is iridescent over his skin... well as over the Volturi's !!!
I kind of forget about Victoria? Mmm no, just her pic's too small (evidently cuz of she ain't Rachelle LeFevre?
No hate intended Bryce but, even S.E. knows fans heart Rachelle.)

And VOILA!!! The freakin' three dvds are in tha house, yay! ^^

Other goodies: in addition to J-B-E's gift card (since I bought it in pre-sale),
everyone can find (other) 6 gift cards.
I dunno if they are the same in every case, kind of think so, but I myself found:
3 pics of each character and 3 of the couples/antagonists.

Other gift: a small T.S' Eclipse-branded backpack, that you'll find folded in on itself,
in what may look like a clutch,
that'll turn out to be a pocket of the backpack itself.

And last-but-not-the-least, the opportunity to partecipate to a competition:
prizes will be a fucking shiny Volvo, Bella's engagement's rings, Edward/Jacob bracelets.
(courtesy of E.P. so dunno about other countries, sorry)

Amazing, isn't it? Love it all, can't wait to watch the dvds b!tch3s!!!