domenica 16 gennaio 2011

Golden Globes: watch 'em live!

The award show starts at 8pm ET/5pm ET on NBC (check your local listings).
  •  Italia, per chi ha Sky,  Sky Uno canale 109 dall'1 am (replica domani dalle 14.15) e su E! canale 124 potete vedere il Red Carpet da mezzanotte.
  • In the UK you can watch live on Sky Premiere at 1am GMT.
  • In Latin America you can watch live on TNT (chek your local listings)
  • Poland you can watch on HBO at 2am CET / Bulgaria on HBO at 3 am / Switzerland/Germany/Austria on PRO7 at 2am
  • Australia you can watch on FOX8 on FOXTEL/Austar at 11am

Red Carpet Coverage

(click on the links to go to the livestream) We'll be adding more links later:

KTLA at 5:30pm ET
NBC at 7pm ET
AP Live at 6pm ET

Live-blogs/TV (Not sure if there will be a livestream available - we'll add later)

E!'s red carpet pre-show starts at 5pm ET, with their actual red carpet show beginning at 6pm. ET
Hollywood Crush will be live-blogging from the red carpet
People's live-blog starts at 6pm ET
CTV red carpet coverage starts at 7pm ET

Live Award Show


NBC at 8pm ET/5pm PT
E! Italy

update: ---> watch streaming live on CNN (this is valid)

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