venerdì 19 novembre 2010

Robsten aka Bellaward half naked and hot in Rio!

I think it was quite time for me to update this site with some stalking pictures.
I really didn't want to do this, but I very accidentally fallen over those orgasmic pics of them both, filming between Rio, Marina and Paraty, aka Isle Esme...
As most Rob h00rs were expecting, during the last months he did work out a lot, not only for BD but also for WFE and... wow... look at the pictures, just look at them.

NO MORE FAKE ABS FOR ROB!!!!! ^^ *squeeeeee*

And Kristen.... how much fucking weight did you lost? Did you looked yourself in the mirror, dear? Your gorgeous, but I'm .... concerning....
Anyway, they're a couple of lucky motherfuckers, and I envy them both, or better, I'm so jealous... Rob-h00rette and Krisbian. How sick.

want more?

wow... ok, let's go on... with the jealousy...
the half naked pics are almost over, but as the post is very, very long, to see the rest.... 

<- ok, i didn't want to bother you before, as those pics are stunning. but... why do Rob's hair look darker??? ain't Edward Fucking Cullen's supposed to have copper ones??....

<-the pic's not clear, but they're shooting a kiss scene

<- doesn't Bella S. in Cullen is supposed to be unable to wear heels?!...

<-Rob: stop smocking, , WTH!
<- oh, the producer. you're happy, aren't you? $$$

<- lucky extras.... these are filming shoots, the previous of this last set of pics, well, i just can't tell, when they're kissing, if they're Bellaward or Robsten.

<- oh, how does he look hot and relaxed here... and she's all *wtf-i'mgoingtofall* !!!

  <- I'm really not able to tell if they're filming or not...
<- ok, I know this is Rob and not Edward!
<- need another hand to hold???

<- i can remember the last time i saw those pants, they were hanging off his hips way too low... mhhh! new moon shoots anyone?

<- Rob brings sexy back.

<- oh, their doubles!

<- so, these are quite previous pics, they were heading to Paraty to film I.Esme. Kris ain't even wearing extensions. do they are clips ones? i think so, since when they were bathing, her wet hair were her natural lenght.

<- Rob: naked and wearing 'the' wedding ring. OMRP.

<- this set of pics is just too much for my little weaky heart to handle...

<- don't you love her tiny possessive hand on his arm? ♥

<- i'd like to see this scene form 'another' pov ... mhhhh

<- Rob: "Hello fangirls. Yep, I'm talking to you..."

<- those following look more like Rambo, Anakonda or Cannibal Holocaust to me :/

Well, since I know you didn't have enough, here there are a lot of much more bikinistew and swimsuitrob pics to view, but this time the links leads outside this site
Click here for more pics on popsugar...

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